Meet readers by…

Introducing your characters to them.

(ETA Pending)

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How does this format help me?

We help you meet readers through your characters.

How will it work?

My favorite thing about reading is finding a character that I love.

Sometimes, I delay finishing a book because I don’t want to say goodbye. So why can’t I find a book by meeting the main character of that book? Why can’t I browse all characters who are detectives and meet them kinda like an online dating app? I want to give readers a way to find and meet characters from your book (like online dating but for book characters). Once a reader feels that magic spark, they will buy your book.

Shepherd would define character profiles, collect those profiles from authors, and build a system that connects readers with those characters.

How will this help me sell books?

The most important thing is character. Nothing is more fascinating than human nature and how people react.

–Michael Connelly

Your characters are the heart of your book.

If we introduce your characters to readers looking for an attribute they possess, we get the chance to create a magic spark. That magic spark is the magical moment when a reader gets intrigued about your character’s story, background, or personality. If we can create that moment, we can sell your book.

This method is primarily aimed at fiction authors, but it could work for some nonfiction authors. I think this could work well for biographies. For example, an author could make a character profile of George Washington. I will share more details as we test.

When will this feature launch?

I would like to launch it in 2024, but I am not sure we will have enough money to build it yet.

We are bootstrapped and need your support; if you can, please help us by joining our Founding Member program for authors.